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Small Animal Science

Course Description
  Animal Science will address the advanced knowledge and skills necessary to care for and meet the needs of animals, along with soft skills necessary for careers in the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources sector. Topics covered include: animal health care practices, nutrition management, reproductive practices, medical terminology, animal classification, surgical techniques, and employability skills. Advanced Animal Science has an increased focus on the veterinary portion of animal husbandry
Classroom Rules and Expectations
All students are expected to follow all safety rules and directions.  Student's must have respect for each other and work as a team because a lot of the projects need team work to complete in an orderly fashion.
Grading Policies 
Participation Grade will be based on the following:
1. Attitudes to cooperate and follow directions as well as attitude toward fellow students.
2. Work ethic in class while working on projects.
3. Quality of work performed in class on projects.

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